Contact me

I love getting feed-back about this site, so feel free to contact me. Enter a subject, your name, your e-mail address and your message below. Next, complete the simple calculation by entering the sum of the two numbers on the left in the text box. This calculation is used to prevent automatic attacks on my contact page.

I'll do my best to answer each e-mail individually, although it may take some time before you get an answer.

I won't use your e-mail address for commercial purposes, and I also won't sell it or give it away. However, if you use the Contact page to send me spam or ridiculous job offers, don't be surprised to see your message and e-mail address appear in the Blog section of the site.

Before you send me a message, please take some time to consider whether it's worth your and my time. Take a look at this post to get some ideas about what I will respond to, and what I'll probably ignore.



(Your e-mail address will not be shown anywhere on the site nor will I ever sell it)
(Plain text only; no HTML or code that looks like HTML or XML. In other words, don't use < and >. Also no links allowed.)
(Enter the sum of 2 + 9 to prove you're not a robot.)